View from a Bus

Travelling to school on a bus is always eventful. I tend to look around whenever I am not dozing off. Today, I saw a family of three; a mother, a big brother and a sister. It was early in the morning when the mother and her kids are preparing to cross a two lane road. The big brother crossed first followed by the sister. After reaching the bus stop, the sibling sat quite far apart and no apparent communication is observed. The working mother turned her back and climbed the stairs towards the carpark once the little girl crossed the road without checking that the little girl reach the bus stop and settled comfortably.  Even though the road is void of traffic other than the bus, the mother should in the very least ensure that the siblings watched each others. I wonder if the mother observed the cute pair of siblings behaving as if they are strangers. Many a times the younger siblings are forgotten by their elder siblings in a spur of moment.

Is our inculcating of independence a form of escapism? Do we say that our kids are independent and so we left them to be what they are and accept that they can decide for themselves. Maybe cultivating independence does enables us to shed some emotional burden on our side and reduce the needs or reliance of the children.

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