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Closing Ceremony Art Festival 2009

Closing Ceremony Art Festival 2009

一样美丽的夜晚,不一样的结果,不一样的心境。 至少我尝试了。




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The show is the opening performance of the Singapore Arts Festival, which runs for about a month from May to June

The show is the opening performance of the Singapore Arts Festival, which runs for about a month from May to June

ArtFestival 2009 Opening

ArtFestival 2009 Opening

5月16, 一个美丽的夜晚,令我向往的未来。

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“To be nobody but yourself in a world that’s doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting.
e. e. cummings


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Big Day

Finally, the short holiday is going to end in 4 hours time. Tomorrow is the new day for many of us. Ready or not I ask myself. I feel that I am as ready as ever. But my actual timetable is still not finalized yet, feeling a bit the funny.

Excited? Scared? I do not know whether will I lose sleep tonight. I seriously doubt that I am overly excited, the feeling is natural as if I have been through everything before. Let nature run its course.

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Time Flies

Just cannot believe it, I would be reporting for work soon at the same place that i was at for my attachment. Some more the workplace really rhyms with my name. Thursday and Friday will be packed by endless meeting. Even though the meetings are broken down into groups and different timings. But what would be the content that need to stretch from 8 am till 6 pm, it is not as if we are coming up with battle plans for next year. Hmmm, anyway i am paid to idle at the meeting, why not. Maybe i can pick up new stuff. But think i would keep my brain at the state of idling.

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A child’s world shattered many years ago. Being carefree and joyous, the child did not yearn for much in the childhood years. The family structure looks normal with grandparent, uncles, parents and lastly a sibling. But things changed when the child’s family severe ties with the grandparent side. Things that were never talked about surfaced such as the grandparent is just a foster parent of the child’ father. The child never have a grandparent or uncle that truly belongs to the child. Still the child was not dismay with the new life as the child still has parents and sibling. But the child knew that something will be gone and lost, even though the world is still beautiful something would just change. The family is truly independent now, even though it had always been so, without any linkages to any roots or relatives. Parents work as hard as always, child does not ask for anything more than what was available as those would be luxury.

All the child yearn for is to grow up fast to work and support the parents. It was a simple dream, to work and provide for the family, eating out whenever possible with the family, as the father usually need to work even in the weekends. Helping to reduce the burden of the parents. The child had a simple mind, a simple aim but the child ‘s view of the world changes and can never be simple as before. Comparison among peers occur, yet the child does not ask for more as the child already had a lot more than anyone else and the child knew somethings were just out of reach. But life would turn out better when the child grew up and work. The child studied just hoping that study would help the family in the future as study can secure a better paying job, unlike the blue collar job of the father that robbed the family of weekend time together.

During the time when peers were bother over looks, enjoyment, branded goods or boy girl relationship. The child had only a broad aim in mind, to study and get through to the next level. Many things were forgone. Parents did argue as the father is useless other than hardworking and honest. The family knew that the father is hardworking thus his mistakes, weakness or any flaws were always forgiven as he was hardworking and never had any bad habits and he truly provides for the family to his utmost ability. The child learn skills to cover the father’s weakness, whatever the father cannot do well. The child tried to learn and improve in order to take over the father’s duty so that the parents have less things to quarrel about. Never did the child knew that the effort to maintain or improve the family amount to nothing in the very end.

Even though the child never bow down to destiny or obstacle in the journey of growing up in order to fulfill a simple wish, the child never knew that a betrayal or wrongdoing by the very dear person once again shatter a simple dream that once belong to the child. The father is still in contact with the family that once had driven the child’s family away. The father is still in contact with the family that had never once lend a helping hand when the child’s family is suffering. The father had the audacity to steal from the family, claiming that boss had deducted his pay in order to give the family which had once forgone the child’ family. The child believe every word of the honest father and believe that the boss really deduct the pay and the child scrimp and save and never once ask for more, believing that is would burden the family. The child believe that the father work seven days a week without off to provide for the family, instead the father rather used his off day to visit the family who once chose to drive him away than spending the time with his family. The child did everything within means to help the family and never ask for more. However, the father betrayed the effort of the child and shatter the effort of the child to achieve a simple dream that the child once had.

A simple dream and it was simply shattered. Never mind that, the child will fabricate another new dream in another day once again. But it would still be a simple one.

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Any second thought?

I did a test on the supposed major that I could have taken in university. I really did not expect this funny outcome. I did not know why, hahaha

You scored as HR/BusinessManagement. You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in Human Resources Management or Business Management, or related majors (e.g., Entrepreneurship, Hospitality, International Business, Leadership, Public Administration, Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychology).
It is possible that the best major for you is your 2nd, 3rd, or even 5th listed category, so be sure to consider ALL majors in your OTHER high scoring categories (below). You may score high in a category you didnt think you would–it is possible that a great major for you is something you once dismissed as not for you. The right major for you will be something 1) you love and enjoy and 2) are really great at it.

Consider adding a minor or double majoring to make yourself standout and to combine your interests. Excellent minors for HR/Business majors include: Psychology, Sociology, or other areas of business like Economics, Finance, or Marketing. Please post your results in your myspace/blog/journal.


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